welcome to the page where I collect audiofiles related to anarcho capabalism or me
I intend to make a low effort podcast to motivate me to share more of my thoughts,
typing is too slow. And it is easier to listen than to read so I hope you enjoy it.
I intend to talk with people about social accesable related stuff.
Doing this podcast will motivate me to bring the slides and talk with people.
I hope there will be a clear isprovement as I gain experience in making this.
If youy want to start your own podcast you can send me the files and I will make a folder for you.
You can read about my previous attempt at a podcast here and if you want te listen here are the files you can find the files here <> every file will be 20 minutes long, every game can have multiple audio files. the file will show the place and date the people in the game might introduce themselves in the last audiofile of the game if you want to say hi please use Mail